Sunday, June 1, 2008

Success - What Does It Mean?

Success - What Does It Mean?

Success has various levels of meaning depending on who you ask. For some, like Donald Trump, success is about being a billionaire and its all about image. While other's only wish to make an extra 500 dollars per month. The success formula is different for each person. I like the idea of working from home, free from my boss telling me what to do for 8 to 10 hours a day. So how do you go about achieving success for you?

With the explosion of internet, more people are looking for answers to success by starting a home based business. For the average person this is a real viable option, but you need to be careful and do due diligence prior to starting with any company. Part of the problem is the hype and lies by many unethical people on line where there sole goal is to take your money. Stop the insanity and believing anyone that tells you its easy. Seriously, you need to look at doing a home based business as just that - work. It takes time, patience and careful business planning to have success.

Lets take a look at the typical MLM junkie mindset. Those are people that jump from company to company hoping to make it big in the next business they join. Those types often find themselves in the NFL club (No Friends Left Club) very quickly. I have been with several MLM companies over the past 10 years. While I liked their products and services, I found it difficult to build a long term and viable residual income for my home based business. I often thought to myself, there has to be an answer to the fact that 95% of the people that join an MLM company don't make money. Often times, people will be left with emotional scars and financial hardships.

Success Obstacles

After 10 years of banging my head against the wall of success and trying to figure out this MLM game, I discovered one secret on why people were failing. They follow a business plan of duplication in MLM. What's really interesting to note, if you look at the business operations of the actual Network Marketing company head office, you will find they utilize a delegation business model and NOT a duplication model. Why do suppose that is the case?

In the real business world, every successful business follows a model of delegation. For example, you have an accounting department, IT department, customer service, etc. The other interesting observation is the fact that those same MLM companies will tell you its all about following a duplication model for success. I wonder why they operate one way, but tell distributors to do something else.

The Success Formula

I define success as having the time freedom to do as I want. I don't want to go to hotel meetings or call leads. I want a quiet business that I have time to enjoy with my family. That's one of the primary reason's I am looking for success in a home based business. To create a big enough residual income and do those things I would like to do in life. I have friends who are successful in MLM, but they are working constantly 10-12 hours a day for years. If they stop recruiting, their checks decline - period.

Are you frustrated with MLM? Join the club. There is a real viable option that most people have never heard of before. Buy Customers and not leads. Imagine having to never bug your family and friends about your latest and greatest MLM deal. Been there and done that a few times. All that is required to build a solid and stable business is by Buying Customers. We use a business model of delegation and NOT duplication. Discover why Its Good Business.

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