Monday, June 16, 2008

Business Plan Part One

Business Plan
Its a well known fact that having a business plan is the essential part in starting, and maintaining any business.  This is an important element in the development of an online business as well.  Business plans are the last things on most marketers minds.  They are more exciting about jumping onboard with the latest and greatest widget, that they simply fly right past the one thing, the business plan, that can enable them to have success.  Is it really any wonder that most home business concerns fail?  In thinking about this problem, I have come to the conclusion that most people really understand nothing about business, or marketing effectively with a SOHO business.
MLM companies are notorious for creating excitment.  They gather a sphere of influence around them and start talking about the new pre-launch business that is going to be the biggest thing ever seen on Google.  They hold cheerleading conference calls in an effort to put as many people as possible into their downlines, as quickly as possible.  They create compelling sites that talk about the glitz and glamour of home business and how Joe Blow has made $40,000 in his first weeks of this new business.  They talk about duplication and how to build strong downlines just by bringing in a few key players to the business.  All this is done for a reason.  They really do not want people to ask questions, or talk about specifics of business planning that will help others build their business.
This whole scheme of marketing online is therefore made up from mostly smoke and mirrors.  I have done extensive resaearch into the home business industry.  I too have fallen for the hype.  I have bought in hook, line and sinker, to some so called super-networking legend telling me about the promises of future rewards.  I have even held the telconferencing calls for Xooma, just one of the many interests that I have been involved with over the past several years.  Oh yes, my friend.  I have fallen for all the lies, misrepresentations, promises of making money and all the other bs that you have fallen for as well.
Looking back, this is a very positive thing.  I discovered that almost all mlm businesses are exactly alike.  They can call their copyrighted comp plan an exclusive, but when you take a very close look at it, its all the same.  None of the companies that I have been involved with in the last years had any sort of solid business plan.  Something that I could see was of value, or something that could assist me in building my business.  I have bought leads, Google pay-per-click advertising, Gold Calling auto dialer programs, HelloWorld email systems, TalkFusion email programs and all the rest of the digital junk that is available.   The one thing that all of these businesses had in common was the fact that they were all designed to make the owners of the MLM companies money, and leaving me holding the proverbial MLM bag.
I have gotten intensely weary from the old jump on board with me mentality.  This is the primary reason that I took to the art and science of search engine optimization.  I decided to cut my own path on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the rest of the major search engines.  I knew for a fact that this was to be my destiny, as well as being my online salvation.  I would no longer associate myself with any businesses online that did not have a strong business model to follow.  To make a long story short, I would not work for the MLM companies.  I would simply apply my passion and trade to the Internet, and make money from assisting others in reaching high rankings search engine positions on Google.
My seo business has done quite well over the last 3 year period.  I have gotten a real education in the inner workings of Google, and how to create copy that is appealing first, to the search engine spiders, and then to people when they find my information.  I have now become an SEO master.  This has been an uphill battle, but the journey is well worth the effort.
This article will be in two separate pages, so continue reading the way that I discovered the perfect business plan operating very successfully on Google today.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

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