Sunday, May 18, 2008



"You've experienced awesome results from using Xooma products. You're passionate about them. And now you want to really grow your business. So, what should you do? Well, I'm going to share some marketing secrets with you that will show you how to grow your Xooma business the easy way.

Xooma Marketing Secrets

#1: Understand the benefits of your products. You need to understand how your products will help someone lose weight. Or how the x2o drink will help hydrate people. A good way of understanding this is to look at what it has done for you, your upline, your downline, or someone you know who's used the products. You should ask them what they were looking for in relation to the benefits of Xooma products. When you're able to understand this, you'll be able to grow your business by dozens of people a week.

Xooma Marketing Secrets

#2: Know your target market (people who have a need or want for what you have to offer). Your target market could be people looking for a way to lose weight, or speed up their metabolism. Or it could be athletes looking for a sports drink (water) that will help keep them hydrated. These people will gladly buy your products from you and join in growing your Xooma business. They'll love the products. There's no doubting that. But I will say this though, not everyone will want your products. Some people may discourage you or be rude. It's ok. Don't worry about it. Just find people who will appreciate your help and your products. Or better yet, you should have them find you. And when you do, you'll be able to attract some "heavy hitters" into your Xooma business. They'll sign up with you and be glad to help you in the success of growing your organization. This will make growing your business fun and exciting. A great way of doing this is to generate your own leads. You've already been trying to do this by talking to your co-workers, friends, relatives, passing out samples, and sending people to a website. Instead of doing that, you should generate your own leads. This will have people calling you wanting your products and also wanting to join you in your Xooma business.

Xooma Marketing Secrets

 #3: After you've been able to generate leads, understood the benefits of your products, and you know your target market, you should automate this process. This will make it easy to train your downline. And they'll be able to get started on growing their downline the first week they sign up. They'll be glad they joined you in your Xooma business."

Article by Tony Bernard


This article is dedicated to showing that drinking the X20 water is beneficial for health. Raising the ph of the body by consistently using X20 water is proven. The Xooma distributors are really on a mission of health and wealth.

The 7 layer forced matrix payout of Xooma is common in the mlm industry. Whether people want to believe this or not, almost all mlm payout structures are the same, with just a few twists thrown in for good measure. The whole process involves distributors getting other distributors to signup to get other distributors.

Xooma's entire structure is based on the common myth that bringing other people into the business is the right way to build a lucrative business. Its a fact that Ron Howell and Dan Putnam, the founder of Xooma make money. Their distrbutor base assure them of this. Where does this leave Xooma distributor? business model is based on buying customers, not leads. In other words, selling to the end user, which NO mlm company can do legally, is the best way to build a work from home business that will last.  This is the flaw that most MLM companies do not want their distributors to know.  MLM business is doomed to fail initially because everyone is buying leads to get other distributors, NOT CUSTOMERS, into their business. 

Buy Customers Not Leads


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