Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jag Marketing System Eternal Rate of Return

Jaguar Marketing System and Eternal Rate of Return


There are three types of rates of return that must be looked at when deciding upon running a home business. The three rates of return are;


  • Internal rate of return


  • External rate of return


  • Eternal rate of return


Let's look at eternal rates of return for this article. The eternal rates of return are just what it says, looking at the eternal efforts of what you offer. The eternal rates of return can enhance your financial success because the economic value extends into areas not in direct contact with the actual sale. When you focus on the eternal efforts of the products that you are offering look at the lasting value that you are offering. When looking at any product that you want to offer, look at the value of the product as it projects into the future. Imagine what the long term effects will be when someone buys your product. Will they realize a short term benefit or will the benefit be long term? Will it indirectly affect others in many different ways?


Any product that has its roots into infinity will provide a lasting effect, has better perceived value by the customer, and will give the home business owner greater revenues. Jaguar Marketing Systems provides a great eternal rate of return.


Jaguar Marketing System offers a product called Mentors on a Mission, which mentors people in running a home based business, to understand how to set up and run a home business through delegation not duplication. Delegation is running a business from the top down where duplication is running a business from the bottom up. When you are able to offer a product that teaches and shows people how to build a lasting business now wealth is being created.  With Jaguar Marketing you can either take the course or become a system owner and sell the system to others. The people you sell to can now offer it to others and so a multiplier begins on eternal development. As the sale of the delivery system, Jaguar Marketing delivers the Mentors on a Mission tutorial to others which begins the development of roots starting to grow deeper into the world.


With people helping people run a better home based business, then coupling that with a learning system to teach others to teach others a winning formula is being established. Revenues start to be developed and are never ending. When someone else can see the eternal rate of return within a product or service, than they are more ready to buy into the program than if they are only able to see a short term benefit.


One of the most powerful techniques of Jaguar Marketing Systems, Mentors on a Mission is to teach any system owner how to think like a CEO instead of an employee in their own home business. A CEO runs the business from the top down and employee runs the business from the bottom up. Top down management is more powerful and provides lasting success. MLM home businesses are run from the bottom up and that is why there is such a huge failure rate. As a system owner of Jaguar Marketing you will be providing a huge eternal rate of return since the system teaches others how to teach and delegate to others. Think about it, if the whole world could learn how to generate revenue we would have no poverty or lack in the world. Jaguar System owners are all tuned into success and are actually doing it.


There are Jaguar Marketing Systems and there are Jaguar Marketing Systems! We label ours as Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System and we couple our system with our Partner Development Program, which unlike any other system, tracks our System Owners, who we call Partners, and makes sure they are learning at the programmed rate. We take seriously the 10K per week program and want to get all of our Partners to that income level in a short period of time. Although we can't do the work for you we show you how to do it, and monitor you every step of the way. We guide you in setting up your sales force and management staff that you need to run your business. We guide you on how to get them without having to pay salaries.


If you would like to have an initial interview with one of our Account Executives please fill out the on-line form [click here] and we will call you within a 48 hour period. We take this time because we want to make sure that people are truly interested, and not just getting caught up in the moment. If you want to call us we can be reached at 1-800-727-2353 and ask for Rachel Coleman.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


10K Week Income Program

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Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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