Sunday, November 18, 2007

Duplication Marketing

Duplication in network marketing

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Duplication in Network Marketing

The shift in technology leads to new definitions and uses of commonly used words. The word duplication[1], according to Wikipedia is common term used for gene research. However, in today's internet terminology, this takes on a completely different meaning. The method of duplication has been taught in networking for years. In earlier network marketing, this common practice was to assist a newbie marketer in becoming more proficient in building a home business of some sort. Duplication was, in fact, a substantial way of producing equitable results in the earlier years on Google[2].

As usual, there are always new and better ways to network, even though the older systems seem to still function properly. Duplication can, or cannot be an effective way to build a business. According to recent surveys[3], ebusiness is making statements to improving people's lives dramatically. No longer do people have to work at a conventional 9 to 5 job. This is leading to more sophisticated and measured techniques that empower people with the ability to live life on their own terms.

This new shift comes back to the area of duplication in marketing successfully online. Netpreneurs are continually thinking outside the common realms to become more fluid with the ebb and flow of the internet. Once common ways of marketing effectively online are beginning to wane as the new, more sophisticated and profitable systems begin to emerge in today's online economy.

Without a doubt, internet marketing techniques are an interesting facet to witness on the major search engines. There seems to be an ever growing popularity to starting a home business. From weak beginnings, this new breed of online workers are changing the way that business is conducted throughout the world.Butch Hamilton (talk) 22:55, 18 November 2007 (UTC)

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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