Friday, November 23, 2007

Home Business success thru Delegation Management

Home Business Truths!


The truth is more unbelievable than lies. When you take a look at why home businesses fail, you will discover that the truth is unbelievable about why the failures occur. In one of the most powerful economic systems the failure rate is tremendously high. Why is this the case? In looking at the structure of home businesses, it is evident why most people fail. The failure is because the whole home business strategy is flawed. The strategy focuses more on selling than on structure. When a person who is currently an employee or a self employed individual is put in a position of running a business, the system breaks down. Unless the home business owner makes the transition from the employee mentality to the self employed or business owner mentality they will end up being a business casualty.


In Robert Kiyosaki's book "Cash Flow Quadrant" he explains the difference between the types of individuals in the market place. The quadrant has four sections:


  • Employee- This person works for others. Gets paid through the W-2 tax system, where they pay taxes on the gross income then pay taxes on the net income. They have 401k retirement incomes and don't think about the entrepreneurial spirit.


  • Self-Employed- These people have a tendency to want to do everything themselves. Their business is usually regional and if they were to leave the business suffers. The business they build has very little value since the Self Employed person is the business. If they are able to sell their business the person buying it requires that the self employed person stays and works in the business for a period of time. Now they are an employee in their own business. They believe that "no one can do it as good as they can". If they leave for any period of time the business suffers. They worry that other self employed people with steal their customers.


  • Businesses Owners-These people delegate all task to employees and expect the business to develop value. These business owners can leave their business for an indefinite period of time and the business will grow and survive. Their focus is a global focus and not regional, they expect their business to develop into a global powerhouse and grow because their team is filled with highly competent employees. They are different than the self employed people because they want to build an asset and not just value.


  • Investors- This group of people looks to invest their wealth and build what they have acquired. They don't listen to financial planners who prey on the first two groups of people. They look to unique individuals who understand creating wealth and not just creating cash. They use people who have more wealth than they do to give them advice, and they look at what they have in a global view not local. They don't use the financial institutions to grow their wealth they learn how to think like a financial institution. Some even start their own financial institutions.


Understanding these groups of people is important in understanding why home businesses fail. People who are starting a home business usually fall into the first two categories. These people want to be wealthy but can't get out of the employee mindset. I recently did a radio show about this concept [Click here] and listen. With an employee mindset or a self employed mindset people want to do everything themselves because they think that it is expensive to hire people. What is overlooked is the cost of not having people to delegate tasks to. A home business owner will find good people to delegate to. You don't have to pay these people, they will work on commission. You will be able to find a good employee that wants to supplement their income, and they will work part time for you until they realize the income they need to leave their employment and work for you full time.


The existing structure of duplicating what is failing will never work unless you decide to follow a delegation management or marketing structure. In the home business world the people who start businesses do it with great intensions but somewhere along the line they end up getting no results, and then get disillusioned and end up never trying again. Before you decide to start a home business get a mentor to help you. Get someone that can make sure that if you do all the work you will be successful. We mentor all Partners to success and use several systems for our product line. One of the systems we use is the Jaguar Marketing System. We have branded it as Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing Systems because there are other system owners out there but we are the only one that offers our "Partner Development Program. [If you are looking at the Jaguar Marketing System make sure it's Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System.]


Through our "Partner Development Program" we make sure that all our Partners [We refer to all clients as Partners] progress at the rate needed to assure success. Our "Partner Development Program" was developed by a veteran customer service executive that got fed up with the lack of customer service in businesses today. She decided to make sure that all Partners get the attention needed to make sure they understand and grow in their business. We make sure that our partners are following all the steps needed to grow in business. This is a needed ingredient that assures our potential partners that we make sure they are not just a number in a system but they are managed to success.


If you want to learn more about our system fill out the form [ Click here] and one of our staff will contact you and explain how our system works and how it can make you wealthy.


  Dr. Raymond Jewell


10K Week Income Program

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Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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