Saturday, September 6, 2008

Search Engine Spiders

Search Engine Spider Food

When you are marketing goods and services on Google, you should be aware that Google is really nothing but keywords, ad content and links. The better job that you do of writing keyword content, the more chances of success that you will have with an online business.

There is a law in search engine optimization.


In other words, you can have the most impressive and expensive website ever built, but unless you have visitors to that site, what good is it?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art and science of obtaining top positions on Google. My particular area of expertise has to do with writing that information, and spreading it across Google. Search Engine Spider Food is designed to attract the search engine spiders of Google, thereby placing that information where people will read it.

When you are ready to take your online business to a new level on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive, and all the other major search engines, then it will be time to give me a call. I stand ready to handle all your online promoting on Google.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master


Wildcat SEO Services

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