Saturday, September 27, 2008

Visualization Marketing

Visualization Marketing

Visualization Marketing is a phrase that I coined some years ago.  I was in the process of beginning my online journey.  I was writing content to pursue different positions on Google and I decided to turn my thoughts towards this art and science.  Since I have been a supreme believer in visualization, I turned this towards marketing a home business.  I decided first to visualize the success that I desired, before I chose to do any work at all.  This process has never, nor will ever fail.  As a matter of fact, the first thing in either promoting a home business, or in life itself, you must align yourself properly with your thinking, the proceed to accomplish the work you decide to do.
The process of visualization marketing is simple.  As a matter of fact, it is so utterly simple, that most people entirely miss it.  They are busy running around here and there on the Internet.  They are probably posting classified ads, reading other so-called gurus material, buying software programs by the millions and generally missing the entire point of effective marketing plans.
This leads to the high failure rate in the home business industry.  I am sure that you have been involved in some, or in most cases, many online businesses that did absolutely nothing for you but waste your valuable time, money and effort.  I know because I have been there and done that many times as well.  The longer that I am involved in the home business industry, I begin to clearly see the problems associated with it.

Some home business problems are as follows:
  1. Lack of due diligence in researching MLM businesses...
  2. Lack of education in the art and science of home business management
  3. Lack of a strong company to become associated with
  4. Lack of knowledge in how to successfully market online
  5. Lack of energy in actually pursuing the home business
  6. The total disregard of what the MLM business is really all about
  7. Most people simply join something thinking they are going to become rich without any effort

These seven keypoints to the home business failure rate are very apparent to me.  I have studied and visualized what the problems are, but I have also come across the key points that lead to success.  If you follow along with me in All About Home Business, you will begin to understand why you are not having the success that you think that you should be having.  Possibly your upline sponsor has told you how much money they are making every day in home business.  Nine chances out of ten, they are simply lying.  I have been in the home business arena long enough to know that NO ONE is getting rich here, except the owners of the particular MLM businesses.  You might be prone to argue this point with me, but in reality, this is the absolute truth about Internet Marketing.
It is an unfortunate fact of life in home business that lying is pervasive.  It is a fact.  You must be keenly aware that the person inviting you to some conference call, is probably not making a dime in this industry.  They will make all sorts of claims about how successful they are, but in reality, they are barely making enough money every month to support themselves.  I used to think that there are gurus out there.  Folks, listen to me very carefully here.  There are NO gurus.  There are only people who have done a good job of either writing content and telling you how good they are.  They are the best liars of home business.
I am sure that you have heard this statement before:  Fake It Until You Make It.  This is the result of someone trying to convince, coerce and sell you on a product or idea.  In other words, these people are much like the used car salesmen of Google.  This car was only driven by a little old lady on her way to church.  It is exactly like that in home business and multi-level marketing as well.
When you reach the point in your home business career that you become aware of this, you will be well on your way to becoming successful in a work from home business.
View Visualization Marketing Google Site Here:
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
From Domain Purchasing and Hosting to Website Construction and Successfully Promoting to Top Positions on Google

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