Saturday, September 13, 2008

Network Marketing: Lessons

Network Marketing: Lesson 1
by Al Gonzales-2-Star Trivita Director
More Details about Network Marketing here.
Network Marketing: Lesson 1
In this series of articles, I will dig deep into the art and science of creating wealth from a networking marketing business. This will be my testament, if you will, into the reason that I have enjoyed success for over thirty years in the network marketing business. Perhaps, you can gain some insights and perspectives into how to become successful with a home business, and will enjoy some of the success that I have had.
Lesson 1
In lesson number one, I am going to tell you one of the most important elements in the overall process of becoming successful with a home business. That would be focus. Maintaining focus of your business, and not becoming distracted by other opportunities, other get rich quick schemes or any other type of element that may be distracting you, is a critical and necessary process.
When you look at the network marketing statistics, they may seem to be somewhat distressing. Almost 95 percent of people are not making the type of money they need to stay at home, and work at the job that they claim to want to pursue. I call this network marketing frenzy. Network marketing frenzy is simply people that are online all day long, have a distinct possibility to view other opportunities. These opportunities may be appealing, but its a fact that most of them are nothing but smoke and mirrors. You know this is calle "the grass is greener," syndrome, and we will all fall prey to this, unless we are ourselves with focus
Focus in network marketing is the element that you decide to use to your advantage. At one time, you saw value of the business that you were pursuing, but over the months, the money just did not come, and you jumped ship on to the next latest and greatest deal. This is a very common thing for network marketers to fall into. I know, as I have been there myself, on more than one occasion. My primary business faltered because of this lack of my paying attention and focusing on my business.
Maintaining your focus will empower you to stay the course, until your business is up and running well. At some point, you may very well decide to pursue another business, and this is certainly ok. Until you get your primary networking business to that point; however, you should not allow outside influences to deter you from your final goal.
Your goal should be placed in front of you on an hourly basis. Your goals and dreams will not be the same as everyone else's. Here is the problem. You will be faced with friends, family and other networkers trying to convince you that the business that you are in, is just not as good as the one they are currently using to make money from home. This can lead to your losing focus of your objectives and making your business less effective than it could be.
Network marketing, successful networking, is a great way to earn money on your own merit. Why jeopardize this position by jumping here and there for the next big pre-launch extravaganza?


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