Sunday, January 6, 2008


Are you aware that when marketing goods and services online, we tend to take for granted that people even know anything at all about computers, marketing, leads or any of the elements that we take for granted online? Its a fact. I know some very savvy people that are young and used to going online to play games, chat and a variety of other things we all do on Google, but in all actuality, they have not a clue when you speak of building a business on the internet. They get a dazed and confused look in their eyes when you tell them to do something simple like type this url in a Google search box.

I believe that we need to simplify the process. I believe that we need to tell people, via the websites that we build, exactly how to navigate the site, tell them what to look for on that site and make the process more easily navigable. In other words, if I were going to write an article about leads and I wanted to funnel a person to the website, it might look something like this.

For more information concerning leads, type this url into a Google search box: That would be of great benefit to someone who was searching for information concerning leads.

Here is another example of simplified writing on webpages:

If you need more information concerning leads and lead generating system, and you desire to find out all about leads, simply type this url into your address bar or any Google search, Yahoo search, MSN search or other browsers that you may type this link into the box provided:

Never take for granted that people really even know how to conduct searches on the internet. I know people that have a real issue of even typing, much less where to type it and how to type it in to find information about a particular subject such as leads. In other words, many people do not know that a highlighted word is a clickable link. You must guide your reader to understand that they click here to find more information about leads.

When you consider that people are still relatively new to the computer and the world of marketing online, you will discover that giving them road maps to follow is essential. Even though you know and I know how to navigate and signup for anything, your reader may be a total newbie at marketing and navigating the internet. Give them some direction, information that they can use and I do believe that you will see improved results in your overall marketing.
You simply cannot make things too simple.  You must make things extremely clear if you are attempting to build a significant business online.

leads, leads on Google, Google, lead generating, lead generating systems, about leads, all about leads, Butch Hamilton-SEO Master, Butch Hamilton-Head Master Distirbutor for Leadsomatic

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