Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness
In my personal experience, health and wellness is basically all about mindset.  I have been the promoter of positive thinking and positive living for years.  I know for a fact that we, as human beings, have built in systems that allow the natural healing process to take place.  Now the medical community will certainly argue this point to a huge degree.  After all, when you look at any nationwide TV, you will note that they all run massive pill campaigns at every turn.  This is for a reason.  The drug industry is a trillion dollar money making slot machine.  The more pills that doctors can force down your throat, the more money is to be made.  It is simple when you think about it.  The subconscious mind picks up on everything that we see, hear, read and absorb.  If you position yourself in front of the TV regularly, you are going to absorb massive doses talking about visiting with your doctor, talk to your doctor, take this pill, use the cream and all the rest of it.
Myself, I take the natural approach to health and healing.  I know for a fact that my thoughts, will determine any outcome, be that in health, success or living productively and proactively.  I am not concerned with the foods I eat, my weight, my blood pressure, my cholesterol level, or any of the normal things that people are overly cautious about.  There is a point to be made here.  If everyone is so concerned with their weight, then how come everyone is about 100 pounds overweight.  Walk down any isle, in any store, and you will see a dizzying array of overweight people stumbling about.  You will find that most of these take medicine regularly, and are really concerned with their overall health. 
They have fallen into the trap of the medical community big time.  In my opinion, this is totally unnecessary.  In my own life, I have faced major health issues.  Through my power of visualization and thought, have been able, without the assistance of medicines of any kind, to find my health and wellness all on my own, and without any help from anyone.  I know for a fact that all people have this inborn ability.
I do not believe, at this point in time, that health and wellness in the medical community have anything at all to do with healing.  It is all the dollars and cents folks.  You either choose to live on an entirely different plane of thought than most people, or you choose to take the medicines and fall into the establishment of the medical systems.  Once you are captured into these systems, it is extremely difficult to remove yourself from their deadly grip.
This is not to say that medicine does not have its place.  Anyone that would make this sort of statement will eventually fall prey to sickness.  But, I will say, that the way that you think, is the way that your life will take shape.  I had a friend who was a well respected MD, and he shared with me a very interesting insight on the health and wellness community.  He said that the body is fully capable of healing itself in 99% of anything that goes wrong with it.  Through proper nutrition, most problems over time, can be fully eliminated.  Needless to say, he did not prescribe medicines except in severe cases.  He was fully committed to take a stand against the drug cartel of this world, ie, the medical and drug community, and actually tell and share with his patients the real truth about health and healing.
Inevitably, each must choose his own path to happiness, health, healing and wellness.  I will stay the course of natural health and healing until my time on this planet is done.
Natural Health and Wellness Can Be Found Here:

Butch Hamilton-The Wildcat SEO Master-IGSDT

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