Friday, November 14, 2008

The Internet Entrepreneur Chronicles

Its Good Business

The Internet Entrepreneur Chronicles

American Exceptionalism

What is the definition of exceptionalism? It is an ideology or condition of being exceptional or unique. The theory or belief that something, especially a nation, does not conform to a pattern or norm.

Contrary to popular belief, American exceptionalism is not about a sovereign nation stating its arrogant superiority above all others. In actuality, it is the idea that the United States and her people differ from most other Nations. Which is quite true if you look at the history of other Sovereign nations. Other countries' senses of themselves are derived from a common history. Winston Churchill once gave vivid evidence to the difference between a national identity rooted in history and one defined by ideology. In Europe, nationality is related to community for example once an Englishman you can't become un-English, French un-French, or Italian un-Italian but you can be un-American.

America is a country consisting of all nationalities, religion, color and creed. We co-exist for the most part peacefully based on a common ideology that is purely Americanism. American Exceptionalism is ingrained in her people, bound by a document, a collective belief in certain values and when those values and beliefs are threatened her citizenry are compelled to reject them. America is unique and so are her people because her country is led by a Constitutional government, with the right to democracy, the rule of law, civil liberty, the common good, fair play, human rights, and private property. The people of the United States of America are exceptional for they carry the American dream within them that is unique only to this country for it is a promise and a right to the continuous journey of a shared destiny. There's a promise and hope that "we the people" build a more perfect union, to live up to the dreams, hopes, and ideals of its founders. These truths are self evident for Americans, throughout history we have viewed these as goals to work for, strive for, live for, and to fight for.

Because American exceptionalism is based on an ideology many individuals from around the world believe they too can capture the American dream of success and independence by flocking to our shores. Now with the power of the Interne,t common individuals need not even leave their living rooms to try and participate in the American promise. In Reaganesque fashion, they can choose to break down the wall of tyranny and open the door to education and success that America holds dear.

The MLM and Internet marketing industry is a vast highly competitive business. Your individual success depends on the people you choose to do business with. American exceptionalism is based on an individual's effort, to have the ability to grow and expand their business in as many ways as possible. That is free enterprise, free market, freedom of choice and the American dream. There are many wolves dressed in sheep's clothing, the snake oil salesman and the sweat shoppe much like the early days of America, all promising lofty hopes but ending in broken dreams. But there is hope, there are opportunities that opens doors, builds you up, helps you grow and emulates the American ideology of Exceptionalism allowing the individual freedom of choice and the ability to be unique. The reason mot MLM opportunities do not succeed is because they lack that fundamental element and core values.

In essence, American exceptionalism is a reflection of all mankind, who are proud to call themselves Americans, and share a common bond and a land. This kind of exceptionalism is different and extends beyond our shores. Americans do not believe they are the "Chosen People"; they believe that they are a people who chose. When famine, oppression, warfare, religious persecution, tyranny, or stagnation threatened their old country, unlike those who remained behind, they chose to not be the passive victims of history, they chose to get on a boat or a plane, they chose to seek a new life in a new land.

"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name,
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The Statue of Liberty was originally called "Liberty Enlightening the World," and this is truly her task - to enlighten mankind to the noble ideals of freedom and equality that belong to each one of us here on earth, and to hold high the standard of hope that light will always triumph over darkness. This is the promise represented in the Statue - that through every conflict, war, or loss, through every dispossession or abandonment of principle, the torch of freedom will continue to be held high.

Be exceptional, choose the beacon of light that is Its Good Business


Entrepreneurs are turning their dreams of today into the source of wealth and prosperity of Tomorrow for all.

The Marketing Strategy Behind Its Good Business

Get Inspired and Motivated

Please, take a moment to come and discuss our strategy to achieve financial freedom and independence on Saturdays at 1pm PST and Wednesdays at 7pm PST ItsGoodBusiness password: prophet

Its Good is reaching out across the globe and connecting with like minded free thinking individuals who still believe in the dream and the entrepreneurial spirit. We have created a group who has successfully built real businesses online and we wish to share that message with you. Its Good Business is an international organization of global business professionals who's motivation is in helping anyone with the burning desire for freedom and independence achieve that dream.

Corie Wallace - Marketing Strategy Specialist
Its Good Business Sales and Marketing Director
From Marketing Strategies to Online Sales Techniques,
Search Engine Optimization and Effective Promoting on Google
Phone: 508.801.6290
Skype: corie.wallace


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