Friday, April 25, 2008

XELER8 Leads

XELR8 Leads

XELR8 is a publicly owned company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, that provides high-quality meals, drinks, snacks and nutritional supplements for performance-minded people who want a healthy edge*. Each was developed with one goal in mind: to create the very best nutritional products possible.

XELR8 is managed at the corporate level by an experienced team of business professionals, and is allied with some of the greatest sports figures in Olympic and professional athletics today. Celebrity endorsers of XELR8 products are XELR8 customers—they believe in the superiority of XELR8 products, and you can too.

XELR8 makes great-tasting, affordable products that are easy to eat and easy to fit into your active lifestyle. XELR8 products are rich in wholesome nutrients and contain only the best sources of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Ingredients are naturally balanced, too, to create a "synergy of energy" inside your body. They're the perfect replacement for the fast foods that drag you down*.

You already eat, drink and snack. Why not do it in a healthy way? If you're on the move—and want to stay that way—use XELR8 meals, drinks and snacks to feed your need to keep going strong*.



There's no question that XELR8 is a golden opportunity for a lot of people—performance-oriented people who want healthy alternatives in their careers and their lives. But is it right for you? Take a look at the key factors that make XELR8 a rare combination of the right tools and the right team at the right time.

Do it for the money.

As an XELR8 distributor, you can earn income—in all kinds of ways. You earn by selling product as a direct retailer to your friends and family. You buy at wholesale prices and can potentially make from 25 to 33 percent profit, depending on your volume.

You can potentially earn generous financial rewards by finding as few as four new customers, building your own sales organization of productive distributors and creating the opportunity to receive even more cash from the sales generated by every member on your team. The bigger your team, the more you can make.


The right marketing tools to XELR8 your business.

XELR8 technology, marketing, and promotions are all in place—everything you need to make the business work for you. All you have to do is pass the opportunity along. How many people can you expose to XELR8? And, how many can they hand out in turn? Imagine how quickly your business could multiply in just a few simple steps.

Attractive, professional packaging and materials

Celebrity athlete endorsements give you instant credibility

Building your business is simple—just Invite, Taste, and Follow-up

Pour as many shots of our new Product - Bazi - as you can!


If you are trying to build a successful XELER8 business, then you need to buy expensive XCELR8 leads, right?   Buying leads is a joke, a turnoff and basically, you are just throwing your money away.  You want a workaround to buying leads?

How about a business where you never buy leads, but only buy customers?


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