Sunday, March 2, 2008

Business Mentor Program of Virtual Office

Where is A Good Business Mentoring Program?
Over the last five years I looked on the internet for a Business Mentoring Program that I could use with my clients. You see I am an Economic Advisor and Coach and have been coaching clients in how to build businesses for almost thirty years. With the advent of the internet and the growth of its popularity many of my clients questioned me about starting businesses on the internet. They would receive info emails about the latest and greatest business or MLM system and how they could get wealthier through this process.
My statement to them was "It doesn't matter where you begin or run your business the principals are all the same. You have to go through the steps just as if you are beginning an off-line business". Their response to me was "I see all of these ads that show people making huge amounts of money with little effort"! I like to refer them to the Gold Rush in California in the 1800's and ask how many made money that was lasting in the Gold Rush? Also can you believe the information to be true about all of these people making all this money?
After further investigation I found that these people were not making all this money, and as a matter of fact they didn't stay in the business or distribution system [MLM] for more than six months on average, before they were off to another product. I also learned that these people managed to spend large sums of their earned income money to market products that they didn't manufacture. The MLM Company should have been spending these dollars but because their MLM business plan was to convince people that they were in business for themselves, and they should spend their personal money to make their business grow, therefore the marketing of the products was on the shoulders of the MLM or Network Marketing Distributor instead of the company. In some cases the company might spend some money on national advertising but for the most part their marketing cost was born by the people who thought they were in business for themselves but really were only a distributor. If they stopped buying products they lost their commissions. I discovered that if you were a MLM Company this is a masterful idea since you have very little out of pocket cost to market products the sales people spend their personal money. [The old adage "You have to spend money to make money" is not applicable here since the person spending the money owns nothing except the losses and a business liability.]
Now back to my clients! I started looking around for a business mentoring program that I could direct them too that would guide them step by step through the business building process, because to pay me to teach them would not be a good use of their money. The reason that it is not a good use of their money is because the dollar items and revenue were very low and the potential of success was very low, so I didn't feel that they would be well severed paying my fees for the development of the internet business they were considering.
Although we all realized that the thing lacking in the businesses that were being touted on the internet was the blatant lack of structure and following valid business principals. Some people have attempted to provide information about how to build a business but missed the mark since they were only MLM'ers and had no real clue as to how to build a business instead of a sales downline. They would approach it from the sales hype prospective or marketing but never from a total business building, macro economic, position. Needless to say I found nothing that I would be comfortable taking to my clients, so I built one!
Yes, I partnered up with Mr. Butch Hamilton an SEO Master, not just an expert but a master, and we talked about what I perceived to be a flaw in the home business system and the fact that I could not find a system that did it all. As we talked it through and I started to come up with some crude modules Butch became more clear as to what I was wanting to do. As the modules became more structured and the system began to take shape Butch saw the vision in a clearer fashion.
Together we began to work feverishly to get a system in place with Butch handling the SEO [Search Engine Optimization] part of it. He also began to build modules for SEO and together we have put together a Business Mentoring Program that would make me proud to take to my clients and for that fact anyone else.
This program is called the "Partner Development Program" and is a tried and true Business Mentoring Program. Their is nothing like it on the internet. Now we are left to pricing it. How do we make it affordable for anyone to enroll in and not break their bank? How do we give them guarantees that no one has done? How do we over come the challenge of the fact that people will spend lots of money in trial and error programs with MLM and Network Marketing Companies but when it comes to spending money to set a business up right they will nickel and dime themselves? How do we prove that if you take this course you will have very little cost outlay but if you stay with it you will have the cash flow of your dreams?
We think we have found an answer to the above questions and are approaching every potential client one-on-one with our answer. I can tell you this we have a fixed number of Beta sales that we are going to make at a ridiculously low entry price. They are going fast since people want to get into the program, get the benefit, but most importantly have the ability to market it and use it as their existing product. Now before you go off and say "here we go again" you must know that you will be taught how to build and run a business and select your own product. If you want to market the mentoring program that is up to you, we simply make it available to you and we then become your vendor. We can go from a "Mentor to a Vendor". This is not a MLM or Network Marketing program but a new program where we do all the work and you get the value. We end up working for you! If you have your own product or want us to help you find one, we will assist you in the development of your business either way. The business development is from the "Beginning to the End" so to speak. You end up with a cash flowing asset!
You owe it to yourself to learn more about this program, but keep in mind we are interviewing people for the program, you just can't sign up and pay your money and your in. So if you really want to build a business and do it right you should call us. If you want to enter this program slowly, and that is really how you should enter anything, come to our Virtual Office International Symposium, where you will be seated at your computer with others from all over the world listening to speakers talk about business, marketing and planning. Its free! Go to and scroll down the page where you can sign up. The Symposium's are held once a month to a limited audience so get your space now. Its always held on a Saturday and last for five to six hours. Butch and I would love to see you there.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell

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