Saturday, December 22, 2007

Global Seminar Marketing

Global Seminar Marketing


Understanding Seminar Marketing


Seminar Marketing is the bringing of people together under a common premise of educating, all attending the seminar, about a particular product or service. As seminars are used in academic environments to convey specific information to students in mass, seminars are used in social environments convey specific information about products and services to interested consumers in a group setting.


Seminar Marketing is making sure that a company gets specific information to the public about their goods and services and one efficient way is to attract consumers, who are all interested in the same product or service, together and make one presentation. In marketing to large or small groups there is comfort in numbers when listening to a sales presentation versus a one on one situation. In groups anonymity can give the attendees more freedom to ask questions they would not normally ask in a smaller setting.


Seminar Marketing is used today in a number of settings. Some methods are inviting people to dinner and making presentations. Another method is inviting people to a large auditorium and give an all day information meeting. The most popular products that are introduced and sold are financial products or information. Well known wealthy people are billed as the drawing card, and people are invited to come and listen to their success stories. Some of the most notable are Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, and Tony Robbins. These individuals pack meetings with people who are all there to learn how to become rich and achieve financial freedom.


There are many books written on Seminar Selling and how to do it effectively. Since Marketing and Selling a very closely related this topic could be lumped together as one category. Seminar marketing is probably the better of the two topics since marketing covers the development of the product in addition to the selling of it.


Some seminars are free others charge for them, but the end result is that information is taught by the instructors and then acted upon in an individual way. With the advent of the internet the delivery systems are no longer relegated to auditoriums. With the on-line capabilities available it is possible to do seminar marketing through on-line meetings.  What ever the mode, the end result is this method of marketing is more efficient than one-on-one meetings.


Global Seminar Marketing


Learning how to attract people and get them together globally is a new challenge. Since the printing of the book "The World is Flat", by Tom Freidman people companies are pushing harder than ever to learn how to reach out to a global marketplace. Being able to market to a global audience will increase the law or numbers when selling or teaching about products or services. Another concern about global marketing is the cost. Is this another area left to the big boys with all the money? Is the little guy, once again, left out in the cold?


Global meetings and influence is no longer left to the people with deep pockets. The "little guy" can now participate but they must know how. This is a challenging opportunity to large and small business but must be done properly otherwise you will fall prey to hucksters who will take your money while promising you the moon. Understanding all the techniques in developing a global presence is essential and learning how to bring people together from all over the world is very important. Entering into a global presence and giving global seminars is very profitable but is not for the weak. You must learn the skills and techniques to pull this off. You must develop a good plan and then execute it.


Giving a global seminar is relatively easy if you learn through one. By learning through our global seminar on building a virtual office or store you will be better equipped to being able to do it yourself. We have put together this free seminar on "How to Build Your Own Virtual Office" to give you real time instruction as to how to develop a global business and get it going without running into the hype and misinformation that abounds on the internet. All you have to do is go to and fill our the request form. All the information will be sent to you over a period of time giving you instructions to follow to get ready for the on-line real time global meetings. You must follow the instructions to be ready for the real time meetings. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, this is Global.


I hope that you take advantage of this free offer because I don't know how long it will be available.


 Dr. Raymond Jewell






Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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